WholeHearted Hymns
A collection of 32 hymns - old and new - to assist in your group’s worship.
All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name
WholeHearted Hymns is a collection of 32 hymns - old and new - with fresh, singable arrangements designed for your group to sing along with, or for your own personal enjoyment.
This volume, All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name, includes Holy, Holy, Holy, Blessed Assurance and Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing.
(Use your Apple Music account or your Spotify account to access the complete recordings of these hymns.)
Crown Him With Many Crowns
WholeHearted Hymns is a collection of 32 hymns - old and new - with fresh, singable arrangements designed for your group to sing along with, or for your own personal enjoyment.
This volume, Crown Him with Many Crowns, includes A Mighty Fortress, How Deep the Father’s Love, and I Surrender All.
(Use your Apple Music account or your Spotify account to access the complete recordings of these hymns.)